Category: Blog

  • Cannabis and Driving Defences

    Cannabis and Driving Defences

    Cannabis and Driving Defences Do you know what to do if you get pulled over by the police?  There appears to be an increase in the number of medical cannabis users being pulled over by the police and subjected to discrimination and ignorance by the police. This causes unnecessary harm to often already vulnerable people…

  • Guidance for Medical Cannabis Users

    Guidance for Medical Cannabis Users

    Guidance in Relation to Medical Cannabis Users As per the Equality Act 2010 Compiled by: Guy Coxall and Ali Taylor Avoiding discrimination arising from disability How to avoid civil litigation for discrimination arising from disability The following information is to notify individuals, businesses and/or organisations of their legal duties in respect of the treatment of…

  • Driving and Cannabis

    Driving and Cannabis

    Driving & Cannabis The Facts The Report In October 2020, Seed our Future released their first report, Cannabis and the Law – No Evidence, No Crime, a report which assessed the unjust and unfounded cannabis laws in the UK via the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The report concluded that cannabis laws are based on…

  • Documentary London 9th July

    Documentary London 9th July

    Come and Join us on the 9th July London We are filming a Documentary outside Parliement Square. We need you! ‘Cannabis UK – Seeds of Truth’ Documentary. As a campaign organisation, we have collated evidence, affirmed in the House of Commons last week, that prove that over a third of British adults have been subjected…

  • Cannabis Users Flock to Polling Stations

    Cannabis Users Flock to Polling Stations

    Cannabis Users Expected to Flock to the Polling Stations on Thursday. Find the Pro-Cannabis PCC Candidate near you here Cannabis Users Expected to Flock to the Polling Stations on Thursday. Press Release – No Embargo: There are over 6 million cannabis users (over 10% of the population), many who self-medicate for a myriad of conditions…

  • Counter Evidence Report

    Counter Evidence Report

    It was the British Government, who instigated one of the most detailed reports into the safety of cannabis via a Royal Commission 128 years ago. A succession of governmental reports, scientific papers since, which have confirmed the results of the above-mentioned commission have been ignored and the war on cannabis users in the UK has…

  • Meeting the Home Office

    Meeting the Home Office

    Seed our Future Meet with the Home Office to Discuss the UK CBD Industry Guy Coxall March 2021On January 11th, 2021 Kit Malthouse, Minister of State for Crime and Policing, sent a letter to the Chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) to assess the potential harms and misuse of CBD…

  • Chance Card

    Chance Card

    Your ‘Chance’ card A Cultivation, Possession Defence Statement Defence statement pdf here Suppose you are unlucky enough to experience the knock on the door and confronted by our boys or girls in blue. The ladies and gentlemen of the UK Police Force take an oath daily to serve and protect you. Using the laws of…

  • Kit Malthouse

    Press Release February 2021 Letter to MP Kit Malthouse & Professor Owen Bowden-Jones Professor Owen Bowden-JonesChair, Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugsc/o 4th Floor, Peel Building2 Marsham StreetLondonSW1P 4DF CC: MP Kit Malthouse By email only on 04/02/2021 to: Dear Kit and Owen,We write to you both in regards to the letter…

  • 5th November Embargo

    No Embargo – Time to Blow Up the Cannabis Issue. Press Release November 5th 2020 Seed our Future campaign served the entire UK police force with a report last week entitled:‘Cannabis and the Law – No Evidence, No Crime?’ The report details the history of cannabisprohibition, based on ideology and racism and the sheer lack…